WIRES is an evolving body of work examining the phenomenology of perception—the be-ing of seeing.

WIRES has been exhibited at Saatchi Gallery (London), ArtScience Museum (Singapore), Institute of Contemporary Art Singapore, and recently in 2022 at H-Gallery, Paris.
A collaborative performance with jazz musicians Briana Cowlishaw and Gavin Ahearn was featured at VIVID SYDNEY as the Wires Project.

WIRES, an ongoing project, began in 2011 on a visit to Bangkok. The wires (cables) transporting electricity, telephone and internet transmissions are a hallmark of many countries in Asia – such as Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Japan, Philippines, etc.


Criticised by residents and tourists as evidence of how under-developed are these cities – these wires are seen to despoil the cityscape… residents I met were embarrassed by these wires.

In time, I began observing these wires featured on designer tee-shirts, souvenirs, and art works. With a different set of eyes, there lies in these WIRES graphic beauty, the power to evoke emotions, even an element of wit.

What beauty do we miss in the mundane landscape of everyday life? What does a person need to change in their way of be-ing to see 'art' where previously they saw ugliness – if at all they even noticed these ubiquitous wires?

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